Home > 170 Best Karma Cheating Quotes on Betrayal

170 Best Karma Cheating Quotes on Betrayal

Betrayal, oh what a lovely little thing! Nothing quite compares to the pain of being duped by someone you thought you could trust.

Cheating. Do you not consider it to be the worst betrayal? When someone you believed to be trustworthy decides to betray you and enter the risky world of cheating.

And let’s not forget about trust, the casualty of betrayal. Once trust is broken, it’s like trying to glue together the shattered pieces of a delicate glass sculpture. Even if you try to fix it, it won’t be the same ever. Trust becomes fragile, guarded, and hard to rebuild. It’s a constant reminder of the pain caused by the cheater of every future relationship.

In the face of such hurt, we often turn to the concept of karma to seek comfort and hope for justice. So, remember folks, karma is always waiting in the darkness, ready to strike back on those who betray the trust of relationships.


So, let’s dive into and check karma cheating quotes to unmask the price of betrayal.

Karma quotes about cheating

“Karma has no deadline. You will be dealt with when the time is right.” – Sonya Parker


“Cheating may give you an instant thrill, but it comes with a lifetime of regrets.” – Karen Kostyla

“When you cheat, you only cheat yourself out of true happiness.” – Samuel Zulu

“Cheating may seem like a victory, but karma’s justice is always sweeter.” – Sasha Azevedo

“Karma is a mirror that reflects our actions back to us.” – Natalie Aulwurm

“Cheaters may think they’re getting ahead, but they’re actually falling behind in the game of life.” – Mark Amend

“You can run from the consequences of cheating, but you can never hide from karma.” – Jennifer O’Neill

“Trust is like a mirror; once it’s broken, you can never look at it the same way again.” – Lalah Delia

“Karma never loses an address, and cheating leaves a trail.” – Robin Sharma

“Cheating may give you temporary satisfaction, but it will rob you of lasting fulfillment.” – Alice Chan


“Cheating is like trying to swim in a sea of quicksand; you’ll only sink deeper.” – Wayne Gerard Trotman

“What goes around comes around, and cheating is no exception.” – Allan Lokos

“The more you cheat, the more you deceive yourself, and karma is always watching.” – Tapan Ghosh

“Cheating is an attempt to fly with borrowed wings, but the fall is inevitable.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

“Karma is the scorekeeper of our actions, and cheating is a foul play.” – Meher Baba

“Cheating may seem like an escape, but it only traps you in a cycle of deceit.” – Steve Maraboli

“Karma is a boomerang; it will catch up to you sooner or later.” – Emma Mildon

“Cheating is a shortcut to nowhere, and karma will make sure you reach your destination.” – Gillian Duce

“Karma pays every debt; cheating included.” – Yogi Bhajan

“Cheating may give you temporary gains, but it will cost you dearly in the long run.” – Anthon St. Maarten


“Karma is a referee that calls foul on those who cheat.” – Tae Yun Kim

“Cheating may seem like a thrill, but it’s a game you can’t win.” – Karen Salmansohn

“Karma’s justice is relentless, especially for those who cheat their way through life.” – Ray A. Davis

“Cheating is like stealing your own chance at genuine happiness.” – E.A. Bucchianeri

“Karma’s delays are not denials; it’s just a matter of time before it catches up with cheaters.” – Steven Redhead

Betrayal karma cheating quotes

“Betrayal is never without consequences; karma never loses an address.” – Anthon St. Maarten

“Cheating and betrayal may bring temporary gains, but karma will exact its toll.” – Wayne Gerard Trotman

“Betrayal is a wound that karma will take its time to heal.” – Rick Warren

Betrayal karma cheating quotes

“Karma has no menu; you get served what you deserve, especially for betrayal.” – Taryn Toomey

“Cheating and betrayal are like seeds; they eventually grow into a harvest of karma.” – J.R. Rim

“Betrayal may seem like a shortcut, but karma knows the right path.” – Jennifer O’Neill

“Cheating is a betrayal of trust, and karma is the consequence.” – Amit Ray

“Betrayal and karma are tangled threads that fate weaves into a person’s life.” – Tamara Rose Blodgett

“Cheating may seem like a game, but karma is the ultimate player.” – David Avocado Wolfe

“Betrayal and karma go hand in hand; you can’t escape their intertwined dance.” – Tapan Ghosh

karma for cheaters quotes

“Cheating is a temporary escape, but karma will bring you back to face the truth.” – Debasish Mridha

“Betrayal plants seeds of karma, and the harvest is inevitable.” – Shannon L. Alder

“Cheating may give a false victory, but karma’s justice is always true.” – Emily Thorne

“Betrayal is a mirror that reflects karma’s lessons.” – Anthony Liccione

“Cheating may feel like a triumph, but karma will rewrite the ending.” – Vironika Tugaleva

“Betrayal sows the seeds of its own destruction through karma.” – Bangambiki Habyarimana

“Cheating is a temporary gain that betrays your soul and attracts karma’s wrath.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

“Betrayal is a debt that karma collects with interest.” – Michael Bassey Johnson

“Cheating and betrayal may give you wings, but karma will clip them.” – Sarah Ban Breathnach


“Betrayal is a storm that karma eventually weathers.” – A.D. Aliwat

“Cheating and betrayal taint the soul, and karma cleanses it.” – Gift Gugu Mona

“Betrayal may bring temporary gains, but karma brings lasting lessons.” – Stewart Stafford

“Cheating and betrayal may deceive others, but karma sees the truth.” – Debasish Mridha

“Betrayal is a boomerang that karma throws with precision.” – Tapan Ghosh

“Cheating may seem like an escape, but karma is always just a step behind.” – Saacha-Danik

Cheating karma quotes

“Karma never ignores cheaters; it’s the boomerang of justice.” – Farshad Asl

“Cheating may give you what you want for the moment, but karma will make sure you get what you deserve.” – Karen Salmansohn

“Cheating is a short-lived thrill, but karma’s consequences are long-lasting.” – Tapan Ghosh

“Karma has a way of making cheaters pay, one way or another.” – Janet Fitch

“Cheating your way to success only makes the victory hollow, courtesy of karma.” – Michael Bassey Johnson

“Karma is the universe’s way of saying, ‘Cheaters never win.'” – Sophia A. McClennen


“Cheating may seem like a triumph, but karma knows the truth.” – Debasish Mridha

“Karma is the referee that penalizes cheaters with their own actions.” – Ken Poirot

“Cheating is a lie that comes back to haunt you through karma.” – David Sikhosana

“Karma is the consequence of your cheating actions; it’s the ultimate judge.” – Anurag Prakash Ray

“Cheating may promise a shortcut, but karma will ensure the journey is longer.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

“Karma and cheating are intertwined, resulting in a web of consequences.” – Tapan Ghosh

“Cheaters are architects of their own karma.” – Sylvester Mwendwa

“Karma never forgets cheaters; it writes their stories in the book of consequences.” – Sanchita Pandey


“Cheating may feel like a victory, but karma is the ultimate scorekeeper.” – Natasha Anders

“Karma’s justice has a way of catching up to cheaters, no matter how far they run.” – Tapan Ghosh

“Cheating may seem like a game, but karma is the ultimate player.” – Manprit Kaur

“Karma may take time, but it’s never late in serving justice to cheaters.” – Pushpa Rana

“Cheating is a seed that karma waters with its consequences.” – Tapan Ghosh

“Karma keeps a record of all cheaters and their debts.” – Tapan Ghosh

“Cheating may win you battles, but karma will win the war.” – Debasish Mridha

“Karma will collect its dues, with interest, from those who cheat.” – Gift Gugu Mona

“Cheating may seem like an escape, but karma knows the way back.” – Debasish Mridha

“Karma treats cheaters the way they treat others.” – Sonya Teclai

“Cheating may provide temporary gains, but karma ensures it’s not without costs.” – Stewart Stafford

Deep cheating karma quotes

“Cheating is like trying to erase the truth with a lie; karma always reveals the real story.”

“Karma never loses an address, and it will find cheaters no matter how well they hide.”

“Cheating may seem like a temporary escape, but karma is patient and unyielding.”


“Karma’s justice is indifferent to our excuses; it holds cheaters accountable.”

“Cheating corrodes the soul, and karma is the balm that can heal it.”

“Karma is the teacher that cheaters can’t escape; its lessons are inevitable.”

“Cheating may give you a momentary high, but karma is the hangover that lasts.”

“Karma is the echo of our actions, bouncing back at us, especially for cheaters.”

“Cheating may grant you temporary success, but karma will redefine your version of it.”

“Karma is the ledger that keeps track of every cheater’s debts.”


“Cheating may deceive others, but karma always knows the truth.”

“Karma doesn’t favor cheaters; it merely unravels their illusions of triumph.”

“Cheating is an attempt to cheat fate, but karma always finds a way to balance the scales.”

“Karma is the compass that leads back to the crossroads of cheaters’ choices.”

“Cheating may seem like a shortcut, but karma will guide you towards the long road of consequences.”

“Karma is the silent judge, but its verdict on cheaters is deafening.”

“Cheating is a dance with karma, and the music never stops until the reckoning.”

“Karma is the shadow that follows every cheater, even in the brightest light.”


“Cheating may be a secret, but karma is the whisper that spreads the truth.”

“Karma’s pendulum swings back and forth, reminding cheaters of their actions.”

“Cheating may create a mirage of success, but karma is the desert that reveals the truth.”

“Karma may not be instant, but it’s always on time for cheaters.”

“Cheating is a maze, and karma is the thread that leads us out.”

“Karma is the song that echoes in the hearts of cheaters.”

“Cheating may be a secret, but karma is the master of revelations.”

Karma cheating quotes for him

“Karma never misses an appointment with those who cheat.” – Malika E. Nura

“Cheating may give him temporary gains, but karma will redefine his losses.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

“Karma is a reflection of a man’s actions, especially when he cheats.” – Farshad Asl

“Cheating is like a boomerang; it will come back to him eventually through karma.” – Robert Rivers

“Karma keeps a meticulous ledger of a man’s cheating deeds.” – Natasha Anders


“Cheating may provide him with a false sense of accomplishment, but karma will set the record straight.” – Anthon St. Maarten

“Karma is the silent witness to a man’s cheating, waiting to deliver its verdict.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

“Cheating may make him feel invincible, but karma is the ultimate equalizer.” – Anthony Liccione

“Karma doesn’t discriminate; it holds him accountable for his cheating actions.” – Debasish Mridha

“Cheating may seem like a shortcut for him, but karma always takes the scenic route.” – David Avocado Wolfe

“Karma is the ghost of his past cheating, haunting his present.” – Stewart Stafford

“Cheating may be his choice, but karma will decide the consequences.” – Karen Salmansohn

“Karma is a faithful companion, tracking every step of a man’s cheating journey.” – Vironika Tugaleva

“Cheating may grant him a moment of pleasure, but karma will exact its price.” – Debasish Mridha

“Karma never forgets the cheater’s address.” – Amit Ray

“Cheating may seem like a game, but karma is the ultimate player.” – Jennifer O’Neill


“Karma is the judge that renders its verdict on a man’s cheating deeds.” – Natasha Anders

“Cheating may be his secret, but karma is the whisper that spreads the truth.” – Debasish Mridha

“Karma is the silent architect of a man’s destiny, especially when he cheats.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

“Cheating may promise him success, but karma will redefine his version of it.” – Ken Poirot

“Karma is the mirror that reflects a man’s cheating back at him.” – Anurag Prakash Ray

“Cheating may deceive others, but karma always knows the truth.” – Gift Gugu Mona

“Karma is the compass that guides him back to the consequences of his cheating.” – Tapan Ghosh

“Cheating may feel like a victory, but karma knows the truth of his actions.” – Ken Poirot

“Karma is the echo of a man’s cheating deeds, reverberating through his life.”

Karma cheating quotes for her

“Karma never misses her appointment with those who cheat.” – Farshad Asl

“Cheating may give her temporary gains, but karma will redefine her losses.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

“Karma is a reflection of a woman’s actions, especially when she cheats.” – Natasha Anders


“Cheating is like a boomerang; it will come back to her eventually through karma.”

“Karma keeps a meticulous ledger of a woman’s cheating deeds.” – Vironika Tugaleva

“Cheating may provide her with a false sense of accomplishment, but karma will set the record straight.” – Anthon St. Maarten

“Karma is the silent witness to a woman’s cheating, waiting to deliver its verdict.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

“Cheating may make her feel invincible, but karma is the ultimate equalizer.” – Anthony Liccione

“Karma doesn’t discriminate; it holds her accountable for her cheating actions.” – Debasish Mridha

“Cheating may seem like a shortcut for her, but karma always takes the scenic route.” – David Avocado Wolfe

“Karma is the ghost of her past cheating, haunting her present.” – Stewart Stafford

“Cheating may be her choice, but karma will decide the consequences.” – Karen Salmansohn

“Karma is a faithful companion, tracking every step of a woman’s cheating journey.”

“Cheating may grant her a moment of pleasure, but karma will exact its price.” – Debasish Mridha


“Karma is the judge that renders its verdict on a woman’s cheating deeds.” – Natasha Anders

“Cheating may be her secret, but karma is the whisper that spreads the truth.” – Debasish Mridha

“Karma is the silent architect of a woman’s destiny, especially when she cheats.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

“Cheating may promise her success, but karma will redefine her version of it.” – Ken Poirot

“Karma is the mirror that reflects a woman’s cheating back at her.” – Anurag Prakash Ray

“Karma is the compass that guides her back to the consequences of her cheating.” – Tapan Ghosh

“Cheating may feel like a victory, but karma knows the truth of her actions.” – Ken Poirot

“Karma is the echo of a woman’s cheating deeds, reverberating through her life.”

Cheating lying karma quotes

“Cheating and lying may offer momentary advantages, but karma is the ultimate truth-teller.”

“Karma’s ledger never forgets the debts of those who cheat and lie.”

“Cheating and lying may build a facade, but karma will reveal the foundation.”


“Karma has a way of unmasking the cheaters and exposing the liars.”

“Cheating and lying are temporary detours; karma will always lead us back to the right path.”

“Karma pays no heed to the excuses of cheaters and liars.”

“Cheating and lying may cloud the judgment, but karma’s clarity will prevail.”

“Karma writes its story of justice for those who cheat and lie.”

“Cheating and lying create a web of deceit, but karma will untangle the threads.”

“Karma is the referee that penalizes the players of cheating and lying.”

“Cheating and lying may produce temporary gains, but karma ensures they’re fleeting.”

“Karma’s balance sheet never overlooks the actions of cheaters and liars.”


“Cheating and lying are like trying to paint over the truth; karma will reveal the original colors.”

“Karma’s justice is blind to titles and appearances; it judges cheaters and liars with clarity.”

“Cheating and lying may sow the seeds of doubt, but karma will harvest the truth.”

“Karma’s mirror reflects the true faces of those who cheat and lie.”

“Cheating and lying may create illusions, but karma brings the reality check.”

“Karma never rushes, but it eventually catches up to the cheaters and liars.”

“Cheating and lying are shortcuts to nowhere; karma ensures a full journey.”

“Karma is the reckoning force for those entangled in the web of cheating and lying.”

“Cheating and lying are the storms that karma weathers with serenity.”

“Karma never leaves the cheaters and liars unaccountable for their actions.”

“Cheating and lying may seem like victories, but karma redefines the game.”

“Karma’s wisdom reveals the truth behind the illusions of cheating and lying.”

“Cheating and lying may hide behind masks, but karma sees through the disguise.”

Let us all try to be honest, loyal, and true to everyone. And remember, karma is always watching.

Disclaimer: All quotes credits goes to the respective writers/authors and full credits goes to them. We don’t own any copyrights we have curated from various sources.

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